Craniosacral Therapy Is A Gentle Treatment That Has Positive Effects On Your Mind And Body
Craniosacral therapy is a treatment that can be provided by a massage therapist, physical therapist, chiropractor, or other medical professional after they've been trained in this type of bodywork. The therapy can be given alone, or it can be combined with other treatments, such as a massage. It also complements treatments your doctor might provide for a medical condition.
If you have a medical condition, it's good to clear craniosacral therapy with your doctor since there are some conditions that may not be suitable for this treatment.
Healing From Fear Of Scarcity — Helpful Tips
Suppose you constantly battle stress, fear, and anxiety whenever you think of your purpose, financial security, or anything related to your life goals. In that case, you may be dealing with an issue of scarcity. As a result, you may feel undeserving, under-skilled, or under-resourced to make it happen.
Fear of scarcity can quickly take a toll on your mental and physical health. Luckily, you can practice powerful hacks to help you tackle the scarcity feeling and move toward abundant life.